Pullover MERINO, Longsleeve von Eisdieler, Hose DIMANCHE / Parka ESTLAND, Hemd ALISTAIR, Hose GREYHOUND, Sneaker ONITSUKA TIGER.
Jacket ESTE
Jacket ESTE und Shorts TILBERT
Jacket ESTE, Hose GREYHOUND // Parka ESTLAND, Shirt von Eisdieler, Hose GREYHOUND
Fotos und Styling Paula Immich, Model Gabriel
Der Fotograf und Musiker Uwe Haut hat den Berliner und ‚Man Of The Moment‘, Davy Jones für das Magazin ‚Homme‘ im ehemaligen Atelier von Norbert Bisky fotografiert. Das Styling hat Paula Immich übernommen.
Alternative zum klassischen Hemd mit Haifisch- oder Kentkragen: das Stehkragenhemd in hellblauem Fil-à-Fil, elegant zum schwarzen Anzug. Hemd 79,- €, Cotton.
Multicolored, horizontal stripes give a new twist to the all-time-favourite. The heavy cotton fabric gives the shirt a slightly vintage feel. Perfect to throw over after a swim in sea – no kents , no cut-aways, no button-downs to remind you: summer should be all play and no work for Jack!
Strickjacke WILLIAM // Caban HENDRIK
Hemd SINCLAIR, Hose LUI // Blouson LOURD
Fotos und Styling: Paula Immich, Model: Paul, Studioassistenz: Gina
While enjoying a belgian beer in Antwerp my shirt blends in well with the environment. Shirt by Director’s Cut made of 100% cotton.
it’s a rough road from pattern to final shirt .
A good shirt is not only about color or pattern. It’s the cut and the details and the quality that make it special. The collar is an extremely important aspect of a shirt. I have worked the hell out of mine to get the cut, shape and fit perfect.
The light blue shirt is a classic. Never fails to make you look fresh and at least 3 years younger. I work with the luxurious ultra-fine and lightweight cotton from Switzerland.